GCF Family,
Today is the first day of our 3-day fast for 2022. This time of seeking God has become such a powerful time for us each year. We believe that all the goodness we’ve experienced in 2021 – the fellowship, healing, power, and more is the result of following God’s leadership and direction for our lives. This past Sunday we shared what we saw God do in 2021… I encourage you to watch the message online and celebrate with us!
For all joining us in fasting – thank you. In this time, we are committing to set aside physical pleasures like food, media, music, or many other things. This is not just a time to deprive yourself of pleasure, but it is also a time to feast on the things of God. Replace those things that you are setting aside with prayer, reading God’s Word, journaling, and Biblical medication. You can find resources for fasting and prayer on our website.
“…you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13
Today, on the first day of our fast, we are focused on asking God to cleanse our hearts and minds so that we can hear God’s direction for this year. As God brings things to your mind that require repentance or obedience… I encourage you to do so quickly! Also, begin to search God’s heart for where He is leading you this year. The pastors and elders believe God has an incredible year in store for us at Grace – both individually and corporately. We believe God intends to open the heavens and pour out a demonstration of His power over each of you… so please seek His heart and hold firmly to what He tells you.
We hope you will fast with us January 3 – 5, and then join us this Wednesday from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm for Immerse …a time of celebrating in worship and prayer!
Brandon Heckler, Lead Pastor
Our Mission: Transforming Lives for Christ