On Tuesday, we will continue our church-wide fast. My hope is you are getting an increased anticipation of God’s grace at work in your life. As a group, we’ll focus this second fasting day on increasing the realization of God’s presence. The unmistakable promise in the Bible is that God is with us – that was the gift that Jesus brought when He came to earth! But often, we fail to recognize His presence. As you fast and pray, ask God to reveal Himself to you. I have no doubt He will.

One of the greatest gifts that comes with God’s presence is freedom! 

There are also promises of joy, peace, hope… and so much more. As you fast and pray, draw close to the presence of God, and you’ll be changed forever. As the hunger pangs hit, continue to cry out to God, “Show me Your glory!”

This is also a good prayer to pray for others, “God, let _________ be aware of Your presence today. May they find You in unexpected places.” If they recognize His presence, they’ll be changed forever, too!

 – Pastor B

For further reading, try reading these passages today:

Psalm 16 & Psalm 139

John 15:4-11

2 Corinthians 3:12-18

Brandon Heckler, Lead Pastor
Our Mission: Transforming Lives for Christ

For a bonus teaching on God’s presence, check out this message from the series “Immersed in His Presence.” You’ll love it!