Our vision is to encourage children in their personal relationship with Jesus, to invite the Holy Spirit into their lives, to empower them to be genuine followers of Jesus, and to actively share God’s love with those around them. At Grace, we believe and teach the children that there is no such thing as a “Junior Holy Spirit”. Children are not only the future of the church… they are the church! Our larger children’s service happens Wednesdays from 6:45-8:45pm. You can contact our children’s ministry at children@gcffortworth.org
Weekend Services
Children birth to Preschool will be welcomed by our preschool staff in a class available during the entire service. Children grades kindergarten through 6th grade join us for worship and then are released to go to their classes. During this time our children are taught simple biblical truths, and practical application to their lives today in a fun and engaging manner.
Wednesday Night
These are fun-filled services focused on making learning about God both fun and practical. Whether we are dressed as the Lord’s Army or as pirates on a treasure hunt– kids learn how deeply God cares for them. Each week also includes worship, game times, snacks and prizes.