The youth ministry of GCF is designed to propel our youth ages 12-18 into action and to give them a bigger vision for their lives. We look to not only stir up passion for Christ, but show them they are meant, called, and equipped to do the mission that God has called them to. We believe that every youth that enters our doors will leave knowing they are a strong Christian and see God move throughout all areas of influence.

During the spring and fall semester, we meet regularly on Wednesday nights at Grace Community Fellowship from 6:45-8:45 PM (see interactive map below for directions).  We offer times of fun-filled games and fellowship, worship, and biblical teachings. Outside of weekly meetings we also have several special events throughout the year, that will encourage youth as well as connect them with solid friendships with other believers.  We also participate in mission trips (both domestic and international) through Grace Ministries International, our network of churches across Texas.

You can contact our youth ministry at