This can be prayer, encouragement, counsel, prophetic words, or more.
How has this group connected outside of the Life Group meeting this week?
This can be by joining serve teams or serving others directly at Grace. If you have listed information on a previous report, you do not need to list it again.
Next steps can be connecting members to service areas, Discipleship Series, STEPS, TPM, Attending GCF or GMI Events, personal counsel, etc.
As a Life Group leader you may become aware of needs that you feel unqualified to help or lack the needed time. Please note below areas of concern &/or who may need extra support in an area of life right now so we can work together. This can include areas like marriage or financial counseling, freedom from bondage or addiction, etc.
Being a Life Group leader is such an important role in the church. We want our Life Group leaders to be healthy in every way! How are you doing this week? Is there anything we can celebrate with you or help support you in?