Missions Offering for Georgia

Grace Family,
Pastor Jamie, Pastor John, Nathan Roach, and I will be heading to the country of Georgia in a few weeks. During this trip, our team (composed of leaders from our church and GCF Wharton) will lead a conference for pastors and leaders in the Kutaisi region of Georgia. As we build the “unshakable Kingdom,” we must remember our commission to see the gospel of the Kingdom reach the entire earth.

As a network, we hope to cover all the expenses for this conference so the leaders of Georgia can be completely blessed during this life-changing time. In addition, we would like to invest in some of the churches within Georgia to equip them with the tools they need to continue ministering. We are asking everyone to pray and consider what to give toward this mission opportunity.You can bring your gift this weekend, give it online, or use the GCF-FTW app.  Our church has always been generous, and I want to thank you for encouraging and equipping our family overseas.