Grace Family,
A week from today Pastor Jamie and I will be heading to the country of Georgia. God has uniquely connected them with our church network. During this trip, our team (composed of lead pastors from around the network) will be leading a pastor’s conference and leadership conference in Tbilisi during the first part of the week. We’ll travel to Kutaisi in the second half of the week and lead another pastor’s conference and leadership conference. Then on Sunday, Pastor Jamie and I will travel to Ozergeti to encourage the church there. That’s 4 conferences in one week!
In recent years, Georgia’s economy has taken a major hit, but the church has begun to thrive and be a key part of turning its nation around. Leaders and pastors do not have access to times like these very often (in fact, this is the first one in three years). We are asking everyone to pray and consider what to give toward this mission opportunity. Thank you for being part of encouraging and equipping our brothers and sisters overseas.
Making an Impact Locally and Overseas
Grace Family,
This past weekend, Pastor Myles Sweeney shared about the Cultural Mandate – the responsibility of Christians to engage the world with the truth of God. If you missed the message, I highly encourage you to listen to it! Our mandate is twofold: pray and get involved. As a church, we are praying and getting involved with several places in our community and around the world. I wanted to share a couple with you, and how you can join in! Thank you for continuing to be faithful to bless others to see this world turn to Jesus.
Brandon Heckler, Lead Pastor
Our Mission: Transforming Lives for Christ