Our series in January – March will focus on the disciplines of Grace.
The spiritual disciplines allow God’s grace to work even deeper in our lives. The point of the disciplines is not solely for our benefit but so we can become more like Christ and, in turn, love others… the work from the inside out! If you are reading Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster and want to read before we teach each week on the specific discipline, here’s the order of what we’ll be discussing.
1/5: Fasting (inward)
1/12: Meditation (inward)
1/19: Prayer (inward)
1/26: Word of God/ Study (inward)
2/2: Solitude (outward)
2/9: Stewardship (outward)
2/16: Service (outward)
2/23: Fellowship (corporate)
3/2: Confession/ Guidance (corporate)
3/9: Worship (corporate)
3/16: Celebration (corporate)
Going Deeper
For those of you wanting to dig deeper and read more, here are some suggested books:
- God’s Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallace: This book will explain fasting clearly and will help you keep your focus correct as you fast.
- Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer: This book explains how we are transformed by God’s grace at work in our lives.
- Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster: This book will walk through the spiritual disciplines and how God uses the disciplines to position us for grace to transform us.
If you plan to join us, would you fill out the form below and let me know what you are praying for so we can join you?
Brandon Heckler, Lead Pastor
Our Mission: Transforming Lives for Christ