This month’s Needs:
Join us in supporting the teaching staff and administrators at the following HEB ISD schools that we have adopted through the Adopt-A-School program. Harrison Lane Elementary, Primary & Secondary DAEP. See below for details.
As we continue to pour into our community, we have some needs for outreach to 3 local schools. We will be serving refreshments to the staff at all 3 schools along with appreciation cards from our members. We will also be requesting handwritten cards from families, life groups, and others at Grace with scripture or encouraging notes for school staff (available at the Welcome Desk). You can sign up to write cards here. Please bring your completed cards back to the welcome desk before the first Wednesday of the month starting in September.
Each month, Grace gives $250-$1000 to support our local schools. Would you consider giving a financial gift toward this, or setting up a recurring gift weekly or monthly to join us for an on-going basis? You can do so here to help impact our community. Thank you for making an impact!