Making an Impact Locally and Overseas
Grace Family,
This past weekend, Pastor Myles Sweeney shared about the Cultural Mandate – the responsibility of Christians to engage the world with the truth of God. If you missed the message, I highly encourage you to listen to it! Our mandate is twofold: pray and get involved. As a church, we are praying and getting involved with several places in our community and around the world. I wanted to share a couple with you, and how you can join in! Thank you for continuing to be faithful to bless others to see this world turn to Jesus.
Brandon Heckler, Lead Pastor
Our Mission: Transforming Lives for Christ
The Country of Georgia
In just a few weeks, I will be joining several pastors from around our church network to lead four conferences in the country of Georgia. We’ll start in the west side of Georgia in Tbilisi and teach a conference to lead pastors and a second conference to church leaders. Then, we’ll travel to the east side of Georgia to Kutaisi where we’ll do two more conferences. These teachings will call leaders and pastors up to more of what God has for them. And we all know…when a leader grows, everyone benefits!
God is moving across Georgia, and you can be a part of that. Please pray for these churches, their leaders, and their country. On April 16, we will be taking up an offering to cover the costs of these conferences. You can give online here, or bring your gift to a Sunday service.

Grace Gives Back: School Outreach
Every month, we bless the teachers and staff members at 3 local schools: Harrison Lane, Elementary DAEP, and Secondary DAEP. Along with blessing teachers monthly, we also donated thousands of dollars in school supplies this past year. This past week, our team had the chance to sit down with some of the community leaders and school faculty at the HEB-ISD Adopt-a-School reception to hear how we can better serve them. One of the things we learned was that two of our schools have never been adopted before! We are making a difference! You can learn more about this outreach here.
Would you consider setting up a monthly recurring gift for this outreach? Each month, we give $250-$1,000 to help local schools. You can give toward this outreach here.